04 February 2020

February 2020 Quest - Challenge Level 10

What you need to have to clear this dungeon:

1. Some SDR on your important skills

2. awoken bind clear
3. +combo active skills if your team doesn't have +combo built into the leader skill
4. time extend skill
5. full blind resist
6. FUA or leader with bonus attack
7. VDP
8. Full poison resist

The most important thing is to have awoken bind clear. It's best if your awoken bind clear able to clear 7 or more turns of awoken bind clear. The next important thing would be having full blind resist.

First battle

Hathor is a God & Attacker type who has 28 millions HP. She will delays all of your skills by 5 turns. Make sure you put some SDR on your important skills, especially if you're gonna use transform leader such as Yugi, Fagan-RAI or Kamen Rider Super 1. She doesn't have status shield so she can be delayed.

Second Battle

Hamal is a Machine & God type who has 55.9 millions HP. She's a normal version as can be found in Arena 5. She will locks all heal orbs then changing her attribute to random one, and will absorbs damage from attribute that has advantage over her own attribute. It's better to have full poison resist especially if Hamal is absorbing your team's main attribute because her first turn will always be changing all orbs into poison. If you use Yugi, you have nothing to worry about but if you aren't, you're gonna need full poison resist or skills that can change those poison into something else.

Third Battle

Alt. Folklore. The same as the one in Alt. Bipolar Goddess and Alt. Three Hands of Fate. That means a 7 turns of awoken bind. Make sure you carry awoken bind clear or else he's gonna make your life difficult because he hits very hard. He also has 99% damage that will make healing a difficult job to pull off if you can't clear his awoken bind.

He's a Dragon, Devil & Machine type who has 261 millions HP. They has beefed up his HP considerably from the ones in the Alt. Arena.

Fourth Battle

Alt. Another Geist. The same that can be found in Alt. Grotesque Being. He has 50% passive Light & Dark damage reduction, will put up 7 combo shield for 99 turns, locks all orbs and casts a no-skyfall combo for 5 turns. He doesn't have status shield so he can be delayed. I think it's safe to stall his no-skyfall buff as long as you don't pushed him into low HP.

Fifth Battle

Nut is the enemy. She is a God & Physical type who has 63 millions HP, 50% resolve and has nasty preemptive sets. She will reduced your move time to half for 10 turn, a 45k preemptive hit and changing all heal orbs into jammer.

There's a trick to "bypass" her resolve. Her first move will always a moderate hit while spawning 8 bombs and reduced your RCV by half for 10 turns. If you can blast and put her into 1 HP, she will still do those things I mentioned so you can forget about making FUA on her, especially if you aren't using leader with bonus attack. Be careful with her RCV debuff though as it can be fatal on some teams.

Sixth Battle

Nephthys is a God type with 58 millions HP, 50% resolve, will super blind the outer orbs for 1 turn and binds all god type cards for 10 turns. She doesn't have status shield so delay and poison works on her.

The Boss Battle

Cthugha. The same that can be found in Arena 5 but with more HP. He's a God & Devil type who has 600 millions HP, 50% resolve, 50% passive water damage reduction and voids damage of 20 millions or more for 999 turns.

It's safe to say that most modern team focusing on VDP damage won't have problem one-shotting him especially if you're saving important skill for him. If you can't one shot him and put him into less than 50% HP, he will change all orbs into fire while dealing around 100k damage. You won't want that to happen especially if you don't have full board changer.


Good luck and have fun. See you next time!

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