06 March 2020

March 2020 Quest - Challenge Level 8 (Fixed Team)

This month's Challenge Level 8 with fixed team is pretty neat and easy. As always, GungHo already provided us with needed skills to defeat the enemies. All you need to know is how to activate the leader skills and when to use a specific skill.

Leader is Takamimusubi. His leader skill is "[No Skyfall Combos]; 4x ATK when attacking with 4+ attributes, 5x ATK when 6 orbs or less remaining on the board after matching"
Pretty strong in terms of ATK multiplier but he doesn't have any survivability. No built-in shield, no HP and no RCV multiplier. His skill extends move time to 3x from the original move time and 3-turn haste to all allies at 20 cd. Pretty long but it's backed up by his awakenings of four skill boosts.

First sub is Ruddy. he also has four skill boosts, two 7c one L-unlock, guard break and skill bind resist. his skill changes heal to dark and recovers 30% of max hp for 3 turns at only 7 cd.

Second sub is Shamash. She has bind proof, skill bind resist, two time extend, one skill boost and one skill charge. her skill does 30% gravity and clears bind (including awoken bind) by 3 turns at 20 cd. The same as Takamimusubi.

Third sub is PAD Academy Kali. She has three skill boosts, skill bind resist, two time extend+, two wood rows and bind proof. her skill is the usual. Creates a full board of all attributes and heal at 7 cd.

Last sub is Vigo. He has one skill boost, skill bind resist, one time extend, one skill charge and one physical and two healer killers (updated from one healer killer as part of the DBDC makes another return into PAD). His skill voids enemies' defense for 1 turn (the effect carries over on sweeping the floor) while changes heal and poison into water orbs at 13 cd.

This team has 17 skill boosts, covers all attributes guard break and two sub has skill charge. As for move time, this team has 9.5 seconds in total. Should be adequate.

First floor is a bunch of evo mask. Activate leader skills and you will defeat them all. It doesn't matter if you aren't making mass attack because they don't have a lof of defense and HP.

Second floor has 99% gravity as preemptive. You can stall a turn but I'd advise not to because Griffin's first turn move is binding random card for 2~3 turns. Depends on who gets the bind, you might spend some turn stalling on the next floor. Activate the leader skills and defeat him immediately. You don't need to heal if you don't have enough heal orbs on the board. The next floor doesn't have any preemptive damage.

Third floor is Extreme King Metal Dragon. He has a lot of defense. Takamimusubi and possibly Ruddy is the only one who can pierce through his defense. The best method to defeat him is by using Kali to get all attributes and match them to activate Ruddy's guard break. He doesn't have a lot of HP so even if Ruddy does damage lower than his defense, his guard break will goes through.

Fourth floor is Light Izanami who will binds all cards for 2 turns. Don't worry. Use Shamash to clear the bind, followed by using Ruddy to change all heal orbs into dark. Now you got a lot of dark orbs. Then use Takamimusubi. We actually need the haste from Takamimusubi more than his extended move time. Since Shamash also erases 30% of Izanami's HP with gravity, it's even easier to defeat her. Don't forget to leave 6 orbs or less remaining on the board after matching to activate the leader skills.

The boss is Wisedragon Apolluo. He has massive defense and pretty big HP. The interesting part is that he doesn't have status shield. Here's how to defeat him:
1. First use Vigo to nullify his massive defense
2. Use Takamimusubi for the haste. This will bring both Kali and Ruddy up and ready.
3. Use Kali to get all attributes and heal.
4. Use Ruddy to change all heal into dark. Now we have a lot of dark orbs. Ruddy also has attribute advantage over Apolluo so Ruddy will do the most damage to Apolluo.
Take your time matching thanks to extended move time. Don't forget to leave 6 orbs or less remaining on the board after matching. You will defeat him for sure.

Pretty neat, huh?

Good luck and have fun. See you next time!

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