28 May 2019

Gleaming Sky's Contest

Once only available through 3-Players Multiplayer, Gleaming Sky's Contest is now available for Solo play for a limited time. What is this dungeon? If you're familiar with 3P Ultimate Arena, this is similar (people often call this 3P A2 or 3P Arena2). The difference is that you only fight 13 floors/battle instead of 21, enemies have more HP and attack coupled with some annoying mechanics.

What do I need to beat this dungeon?

First of all, you want a full poison resist if you can't defeat a Dragon type enemy with 1 Billions effective HP. That particular floor features Swallowtail (Dragon type) with 100 Millions HP AND casts 90% damage reduction for 2 turns, making it has 1 Billions effective HP. For a team with lots of Dragon Killer, that's an easy task but if you have full poison resist, you can use him as a stalling point.

Why do I need to stall?

Since this is rather short dungeon, skills such as Fujin-type active and attribute absorbs void often doesn't come up by the boss floor. The bosses are Scheat (Balanced & Machine type) and Eschamali (Machine & God type). Scheat requires Fujin because she absorbs damage of 30 millions or more for 30 turns, while Eschamali will absorbs Dark and Light attribute damage for 30 turns. Both has 300 millions and 320 millions HP respectively so depends on your team, you might need a strong enhance along with two aforementioned skills. Regular Fujin needs 19 turns to fully charged so if you use it as an assist, it might not came up if you don't stall a few turns here and there. Both also has 50% resolve on top of that which means you'd need either a board changer or board changer when you use void skills and enhance. They hit pretty hard so you definitely don't want to stall on them unless your team is very tanky and can heal easily.

How about the other enemies?

Most enemies are God, Dragon and Machine type. Your team should have at least one or two subs specialize in killing God, Dragon or Machine. This dungeon also features Fairy Tale Girls (Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Thumbeline, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty). Don't underestimate them. They have annoying and troll mechanics. Red Riding Hood has 60 millions HP and will swap your leader for 1 turn. Snow White has 56 millions HP and 30% resolve while constantly convert Heal to Poison, Thumbelina only has 20 millions HP but she has 90% damage reduction for 3 turns and will do 99% gravity when her 90% damage reduction still active, Cinderella has 40 millions HP and 8 combo shield for 1 turn. If you can't do 9 combo, she will put up 75% damage reduction for 12 turns. Cinderella will also spawns one bomb upon defeat, forcing players to use board changer if they want to get rid of the bomb though with only one bomb, you can detonate it and lose some HP. Sleeping Beauty only has 1 millions HP and 10 millions defense but she will bind all cards for 5 turns as a preemptive. I think the Fairy Tale Girls floor are the most annoying floor. Random two will spawns and it can be a duplicate.

Other notable floor is Floor 7. There's Noah (similar skill sets to Noah in AA), Kaguya-Hime who will throw awoken bind for 3 turns while having a 71% resolve, and Light Xuanzhang who will absorbs Light & Dark damage for 3 turns, and will absorbs damage of 10 millions or more for 10 turns when his attribute absorbs expired.

Then the next floor you have the Grimoire Devils who will super blind the board for 3 turns. They're all having 70+ millions HP each and hit pretty hard, so having a full blind resist will saves you  a lot of time checking each orb and navigating through the blind.

Floor 10 has Sevenzard, Deightros and Ninegaruda. They're all have identical skill sets as their AA counterpart. Not a problem for team with lots of Dragon Killer although you gotta have five Heal orbs when Ninegaruda spawns or use a strong shield to tank his first turn hit if you can't one shot him.

The next floor are all God type enemies. Takeminakata has 124 millions HP and 50% resolve but he doesn't have status shield so he can be delayed or poisoned. Poison and delay skill such as Kralice Rapier comes in handy for him. If you only use delay, he will break out of delay once his resolve is gone. Gaia has 1.6 millions HP and 40 millions defense. Similar in AA, she will prevent either Fire, Water or Wood being matched for 3 turns. She won't prevent Light & Dark to be match but she has 50% passive damage reduction against Light & Dark.

If you successfully passed them, you will be greeted with either Scheat or Eschamali. Unleash your saved skills on them at once!

The final enemy is one type of Snow Globe Dragon and they will drop. It's the only drop you'll ever get from this dungeon. For anyone looking for farming Snow Globe Dragons, this might be a good place to farm them. Shorter than A4 while having comparable Rank EXP upon clearing, this dungeon also costs only 77 stamina. You can't co-op this though. Solo only.

As for me, as usual, I'm trying this with the best girl Valkyrie-CIEL.

Here's my team:

My team is loaded with Dragon and God Killer so no problem when facing those two types of enemies. My only concern is when I face Scheat. I have to grin her HP down to 60% or less but not below 50%, then use Fujin, enhance and board/orb changer to finish her off.

My team has 100% Poison and Blind resist, and 60% jammer resist. Sometime that 60% jammer resist is enough to prevent Cinderella from spawning one bomb. Notable subs are Moogle with his resist awakenings (20% each of Poison, Jammer and Blind resist) and Pralinae who has 3 Devil Killer and 2 God Killer. For Eschamali, I'm using Astraea's skill to voids attribute absorbs while changing the board into Fire/Water/Light/Heal so I can kill her with FUA without needing another orb changer. I only use Arcline (2.5x for Healer for 2 turns) but it was enough. My failed runs are when I made stupid mistakes on the boss, wasting Fujin or Astraea skill. I wish I could show you my failed runs but I didn't recorded them. I thought I did but I didn't.

Anyway... here's my run:

Please leave a comment, good luck and have fun. See you next time!

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