01 September 2019

Rokks Descended! Maximum Effort Veroah Farming Team

This is a PAD RADAR guerrilla (Limited-time) dungeon, the fourth of five dungeon sets. I don't have any idea why they didn't add them to the LTD in-game button. You will have to check their Facebook, official web, Reddit or PADX for the time of each dungeon. It's troublesome but it is what it is

Each dungeon consists of three difficulties: Annihilation, Mythical Plus and Mythical. You will get one magic stone upon clearing all difficulties. The reward goes into your mailbox so don't be alarmed if you didn't get a stone immediately upon clearing. Check your inbox for the reward

This time, it's Rokks Descended, and I'll be doing it in multiplayer with a farming team like this:

  • Mega DMeta can be replaced with Sheena, Lajoa, or any Dark attribute full board changer (bicolor or tricolor) that makes a lot of Dark orbs
  • Red Sonia is important since I need her skill to make Fire/Dark board. The only other option other than her is Barbara, Sonia Another or Chibi Sonia. Count your SB carefully if you're using something other than Pyroguard Sonia.
  • Pixel Shantotto needed for her Dark Row awakenings and she can carry Physical Killer latents. Can be replaced with any Dark card that can carry latents or has natural Physical or Attacker Killer awakenings, and has at least two dark row.
  • Zuoh and M.Bison equip are necessary in case Rokks swapped leader with something that has no relevant Leader Skill such as Whaledor. Those dark row equips are very helpful to boost the damage against Rokks
  • Hunter CIEL can be replaced with anything that can clear a minimum of 5 turns awoken bind such as Green Odin and his equip, Jhoira and her equip etc.
  • Sheena can be replaced with any Dark card that makes bicolor or tricolor board (bicolor are easier) such as Lajoa, Dark Meimei, Planar, Halloween Nene, Armored Batman (Film) etc.
  • Laude can be replaced with any multi-turn +combo skill. I only need +1 combo on the boss but having +2 combo helps a lot when I got bad board from Sheena. Asakura Yoh equip, Noctis' Crystal, Asuna and her equip etc
  • It's important to have full Blind Resist but not Jammer Resist. I need those locked bombs from Rokks so Jammer resist is out
  • Any necessary skills on Team A has to be used as sub and has assist with more than 10 turn CD so that when being skill delayed, the base skill will still be available.

First floor is an Attacker/Physical type enemy with 270 millions HP. Preemptive strikes re nasty. 10 turn skill delay followed by super blind half the board. He also has 50% resolve, making things more complicated. Luckily he doesn't have status shield so poison works against him.

Here I'm using DMeta's board and make 5 or more combo with one dark row. If I got bad board from DMeta? I can use Pixel Shantotto to fix the board. Guaranteed to have one Dark row.

Second floor is an Attacker/God type enemy with 255 millions HP. He will bind awoken skills for five turns, then hitting for 59k+ (unshielded) damage. Since I have 60k+ HP and built-in shield, reducing my team's HP to 80% with DMeta skill still allows me to survive that.

Here I'm using Hunter CIEL to clear awoken bind, Sheena followed by Laude to guarantee that I will have 5+ combo out of Sheena's board (can't do nothing if Sheena only creates less than 6 dark orbs) and Hashihime enhance.

The boss is very nasty. He will swap your leader to a random sub for 8 turns. I assume worst case scenario that he swapped to sub without relevant Leader Skill so I can only rely on Hashihime enhance and Team A's Dark Row awakenings to defeat Rokks.

Rokks will creates 6 locked bomb orbs in specific location. This helps a lot since I can use his locked bomb orbs. Here I'm using Sonia board followed by Veroah to convert Fire to Dark, so now I have only Dark and 6 locked bomb orbs. Just make a VDP and +2 combo skill from Laude made that into 6 combo, enough to defeat Rokks.

Rokks seems fun for someone familiar with color cross. His awakenings are pretty good with three TE and FUA. Active skill is unique too. His equip has SBR and Jammer resist so if you're looking for SBR equip, this is great to have.

Good luck and have fun. See you next time!

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