02 April 2019

April 2019 Quest, Challenge Lv. 8 (fixed team)

Greeting, fellow PAD players!

This month's quest challenge Lv. 8 is quite hard compared to the previous ones. Not only the leader requires matching two sets of heal orbs for maximum damage, but also none of the team's members are bind proof while the dungeon sporting many binds, including binding the leader. Fortunately, as always with fixed team, subs choices should solved the bind problems. All subs can clear 3 turns of bind with soft bind clear (meaning you have to make a row of heal orbs for that effect), so even there's a 10 turns of bind, a row of heal orbs will clear 9 turns of binds from three subs. All subs also produces heal orbs by converting an orb. Memorizing their skills will help but even if you didn't, you can always toggle the Skill button in the menu to ON.

This is the fixed team for this month:

Xiang Mei was kinda popular back then when powercreep isn't like today. 144x ATK and 2.25x HP is huge back then, but then players realizes that she needs a lot of stalling, especially in the long dungeon, to gather some heal orbs. So, she only has short reign being the top leader choice.

For this dungeon, strangely, none of the subs are max skilled so you can't use their skills more than once unless you do heavy stall, but stalling more than necessary is dangerous. All cards also doesn't get +297. While that may reduces the amount of damage, it's necessary for the purpose of damage control against the boss. You see, some enemies has resolve and the only card that has resolve killer (Follow Up Attack, Bonus Attack or Super Bonus Attack) is only the leader and it's a Super FUA. You have to make a block of 3x3 heal orbs for the Super Bonus Attack to be registered, and Xiang Mei needs two sets of heal orbs so you're looking at 12 heal orbs at minimum to kill resolve enemies. Luckily, you can damage control the resolve enemies or using the "drop them to 1 HP, let them heal then erase the resolve by doing minimal damage" strategy on Kuarje (second battle). You can't do that to the boss though since he will recovers 51% of his HP then increases attack to 200%. This team won't survive Demonius's buffed attack.

We've had quite a few Game Over screens because of some mistakes we made, so we were taking a break, doing some other things and forget about the game until we had a fresh thinking. All in all, it took us one stone for stamina refresh to clear this dungeon. Hopefully you're able to clear this without wasting any stamina or stone.

Here's the run:

Please leave a comment, good luck and have fun. See you next time!

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